Monday, September 15, 2008

Updates and more updates

It has been some time since I updated this blog.  I figured I'd at least give an excuse, which comes in the form of "Blogger was blocked in China while I was living in Beijing".  That said, I have now returned to the US and am now attending medical school.  The lowly MA becomes the.... even more lowly Med Student.  But at least I have being an intern to look forward to.... wait a minute!  Can I just retire now?

As such, (no longer being an MA), the direction of this blog is going to change, and will more likely be covering such banal trivalties as how much I hate a lecture method practiced by teacher X, or how I can't believe intern Y managed to pass the MLE's.  One can hope I might find some more interesting things to post, but time will be the judge of that.

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