Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Check off another course.

Now onto HSF, complete with dissection, histo lab, etc.  So far, its way fun.  They went on and on about emotional responses and difficulties people might have working on cadavers... but I guess I'm just a cold hearted bastard or something.  I'm incredibly grateful to the donor, and absolutely fascinated by everything I've been doing... but I have not been struck by any sorrows or extreme nerves of any sort.  Mostly, I'm just eager to find everything, and learn as much as I can... and so far it has been incredibly fun!  I've been spending several extra hours a day in the lab working on cleaning structures and identifying new things.  This extra time is definitely the best opportunity to learn as Ellen from the anatomy staff is usually there, but this time without 50 other students asking questions.  It provides a chance to work at my own pace and learn a great deal more than would be necessary normally.  Most kids can recite the table on what each muscle is, where it is, what innervates it... but I've really enjoyed learning some clinical tidbits afterwards about different things we've been covering.

Will it help on a test?  Probably not.  Is it really fun to learn?  Absolutely!  That said, I need to get back to studying those tables to make sure I know them as well as my peers.

1 comment:

Piyush Gupta said...

I agree - never worried bout the feelings part either...